Ottawa Silver Seven Hockey Club Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Discipline Guidelines

In our quest to provide a positive atmosphere, OVSS has a progressive discipline guideline for our coaches & executive.

It should be noted that the best discipline can be achieved through positive reinforcement. This guide should be used only when positive avenues have been exhausted.
Each offense shall be dealt with on an individual basis and if necessary all suspensions will be carried over from one season to the next as a member in good standing of the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Hockey Club.

Discipline Guideline for Players
Discipline Guideline for Parents & Spectators
Discipline Guideline for Team Officials

Discipline Procedure

Discipline Guideline for Players

First Level Offense:
a)   Horseplay
b)   Refusing to participate
c)   Lateness or unexcused absence
d)   Messing up the dressing room
e)   Swearing
f)     Other minor transgressions
For the first level offenses, it is expected that the Team Officials will deal with their players using the theory of progressive discipline as a guiding principle.
¨  First offense - one period
¨  Second offense - two periods
¨  Third offense - game
Second Level Offense:
(a)        Fighting (off ice, practices, dressing rooms, any situation related to hockey)
(b)        Insubordination to Coaching Staff
(c)        Harassment of Arena Staff
(d)        Hindering others from participating
(e)        Other major transgressions
¨  First offense: Dismissal from ice and minimum suspension of the next three (3) ice times.
¨  Second offense: Dismissal from ice and a minimum two (2) week suspension.
¨  Third offense: Dismissal from ice and a minimum one (1) month suspension.
¨  Fourth offense: Dismissal from ice and a minimum four (4) month suspension.
Third Level Offense:
A.) Drugs/Alcohol:
Any player found with drugs and/or alcohol on his/her possession or any player under the influence of a drug or alcohol while participating in an OVSS sponsored event will be suspended from further play and practice as follows:
 ¨  First offense: Dismissal from ice and a fourteen (14) day suspension.
¨  Second offense: Dismissal from ice and a one (1) year suspension.
B.) Theft:
Any player proven to have engaged in thievery while participating in an OVSS sponsored activity will be suspended as follows:
 ¨  First offense: Dismissal from ice and a fourteen (14) day suspension.
¨  Second offense: Dismissal from ice and a one (1) year suspension.
 Before reinstatement the player must reimburse the owner the cost of the stolen item(s) and offer a personal apology.
C.) Vandalism:
 Other illegal transgressions.
 ¨  First offense: Dismissal from ice and a fourteen (14) day suspension.
¨  Second offense: Dismissal from ice and a suspension for the remainder of the season.
The cost of any damages done by Coaches, Team Officials, Players or Parents shall be recovered from those involved. Any amounts outstanding by a Coach, Team Official, Player or Parent may result in not being accepted as a member the following season.
D) Abuse, Bullying and Harassment:
Any player abusing, bullying or harassing others, in any situation related to hockey;
¨  First offense: Dismissal from ice and a fourteen (14) day suspension.
¨  Second offense: Dismissal from ice and a suspension for the remainder of the season.

Discipline Guideline for Parents & Spectators

Parents and spectators at OVSS functions are responsible for their own conduct. They must endeavor to NOT exhibit any disorderly conduct before, during or after any activities involving OVSS teams.
  • use of obscene language or abusive behavior to any person on or off the ice
  • disrespect towards OVSS team officials
  • continual disruptions which may cause a delay of game
  • repeated disrespect for rulings of an official
Offences related to above by a parent or spectator of a OVSS events may result in the following type of sanction;
•           30 to 90 day suspension from OVSS building of ice times

Discipline Guideline for Team Officials

Team officials are responsible for supervising and controlling the conduct of their players, before, during and after each game or practice.
Failure by team officials to control the conduct of their team (i.e. brawls, vandalism, lobby or parking lot altercations, etc.) may result in suspensions or other disciplinary action with the cost of any damages being paid by those involved.
Team Officials are to treat players, referees and off ice officials with respect as role models within the OVSS organization. Failure by Team Officials to adhere to the coach’s code of conduct may result in warnings to removal from Team Staff depending on the nature and severity of the incident.
In the unlikely event a team official is found to have committed a THIRD LEVEL OFFENCE, he or she will have caused themselves to be suspended from participation with an OVSS team for life. The Executive will review all other infractions.

Discipline Procedure

All infractions during a game or when players are under the direct control of a Branch Certified Referee will be dealt with per Hockey Canada Rules, or the applicable sections of Branch, League or Association Rules, Procedures and/or guidelines.
  1. Discipline can be applied by any team official in conjunction with or by the head coach; however any suspension of more than one ice time must be approved by the Director of Risk & Discipline.
  2. A disciplinary committee hearing will only be utilized on serious or re-offending situations and is meant to ensure a positive environment is continued and the code of conduct is adhered to.
  3. All incidents reported to the Association shall be forwarded to the Director of Risk & Discipline with all particulars included. The Association will ensure the incident is investigated by a member of the Board of Directors. Any serious incident shall be investigated and overseen by the Director of Risk & Discipline. A record of the incident shall be completed. All attempts shall be made to resolve the issue. Depending on the severity of the incident, a disciplinary committee hearing maybe initiated.
  4. The Director of Risk & Discipline Based on the investigation, the nature and severity of the incident, the Director of Risk & Discipline will apply sanctions which vary from warnings to suspensions.
    • The Director of Risk & Discipline will review the incident and interview people if deemed necessary.
  5. Any sanctioned member may appeal their suspension to the President, whom will convene a hearing of OVSS panel members and act as Chairman.
    • The Chairman will communicate all actions taken by the Discipline Committee, to those involved within seventy-two (72) hours.
    • The Director of Administration shall be present at each the hearing to record and file the minutes.
    • All written records other than the final decision of the Discipline Committee shall be held in confidence on file and may be reviewed by the Discipline Committee or the person the discipline applies to, in order to protect the people involved.
    • Under no circumstances will such documentation be copied or communicated in any way other than what is required to further the appeals procedure.

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