Ottawa Silver Seven Hockey Club Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Banquet Coordinator

Every season, we host an annual year end banquet for the OVSS club. We take the opportunity to thank our coaches and team staff, host an award ceremony and feature entertainment for the crowd. Team Managers are welcome to act as the Team Banquet Coordinator or engage another parent volunteer on the team.

Team Banquet Coordinator list of duties:
  • Promote event to parents & players on your team
  • 22 players/coaching staff are included by team in the OVSS registration fees, at a rate set prior to the season
  • For additional tickets, collect funds per additional per person - they MUST pay in advance
  • Provide the final numbers to OVSS by due date: Feb 25th
  • Provide the list of parents/players/coaches for Check In
  • *Guests MUST be on the list or they will not be allowed in....
  • Bring payment for your team in the form of a cheque to the banquet
  • Procure a $50 raffle prize from the team and bring to the banquet
  • Procure any other raffle prizes or donations to the event
  • Upload team photos for slide montage by due date: Feb 21st
  • Advise coach to prepare and present a 2 minute speech
  • Setup a player to introduce the coach prior to their speech
  • Pick up the book at the Registrarion Table for all players to sign for the coach
A few other notes…
  • Dress code = semi casual
  • Every s7 player in attendance receives a small gift
  • Pop Table - free pop for players & parents, drink tickets are distributed to Team Managers to distribute to players
  • Cake Table - we have a logo OVSS cake at both lunch & dinner for parents & players
  • Coffee/Tea Service - free coffee and tea are served at a table between the dining hall and the bar for parents
  • Coach Speeches - includes a 2- minute speech from every coach
  • Valedictorian - at lunch & dinner we have a graduating midget speak about their OVSS experience
  • Bursary - we are providing a graduating midget with a bursary, this will be presented at the dinner awards ceremony
  • Commemorative Watches - we provide our token for graduates at the dinner awards ceremony
  • Awards - any player/goalie that is 1st in the league for scoring or goaltending receives a plaque during the awards ceremony
More details located here.

Goalline Sports Administration Systems
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