Ottawa Silver Seven Hockey Club Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Coach Cameron Message


Coach's message to parents and players

Message to Parents and Players:

I am pleased to return to another rewarding year as coach of the Major Peewee White team this upcoming season. As coaches at the 1999 level, we are very fortunate to have a great group of players who strive to be champions and this has shown over the last two years at this level. We have set the bar high and we plan to keep it that way.

I have been coaching for the past 11 years within Stittsville minor hockey and now the Silver Seven hockey club. I started out as a helper on-ice with initiation level players and worked my way up to the Midget level. Initially I did this because I didn’t like standing around for hours drinking coffee and watching practices. The more coaching experience I developed, the more I enjoyed running practices and developing players. Although hockey is our main focus, I also enjoy instilling what I think are the key values in life. Teamwork, Leadership, Respect, Honesty and last but certainly not least HARD WORK! With those values any player can be successful on and off the ice.

What to Expect:

The hockey season is long!

Expect many practices, games and tournaments!

Expect to learn!

Expect to be tired!

Expect to have bumps and bruises!

But most importantly, Expect to have Fun! Expect to compete! And Expect to Win!

I will run fast paced practices that will incorporate many skills and strategies that will help target all the players overall skills. Different systems will be taught throughout the year with progression through to the end of the season. Breakout’s, offensive zone attacks and defensive zone coverage’s along with regroups will be used within each practice. Hard work is a must and mistakes will be expected. My only issue with mistakes are when they happen without hard work or effort!

At Silver Seven we pride ourselves with player development and success. The two come hand in hand and can only happen if each and every player works as a team and plays for each other. Not their parents, not their coach but for each other. It is my goal to create a team that works for each other and in that they will remember this year well after they have stopped playing hockey.


Tryouts will take place for the Major Peewee A level between the dates of August 28th and September 5th 2011. Please check the Silver Seven Hockey Website for exact dates and times of the tryouts.

Players are expected to come to tryouts prepared and ready to compete. You are being evaluated each and every time you do a drill, pass a puck or take a shot. You should come with the intensity and determination that shows you are a competitive player for this level. No one has made the team until the final release.

Evaluations are done by multiple, independent evaluators including members of the Silver Seven Executive.



Seaway Valley Rapids International: September 30 – October 2nd. (Cornwall) Tentative – Possible “AA”

Humberview Huskies October 14 – 16th   (Toronto)

Silver Seven Tournament- November 4- 6

Sudbury Silver Stick “AA”: November Dec 6th – 8th

Bell Capital Cup: December 28- January 1


Best of luck to all players trying out


Shawn Cameron

Head Coach

Major Peewee A White

Ottawa Valley Silver Seven


Phone: 613- 836- 7966

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