The following is the U9 A roster for the next session. Please refer to our website and tryout schedule for the time, date and location. Jersey colours will be assigned at check-in.
#12 Stephen
#14 English
#18 Szutu
#22 McKinnon
#24 Reid
#27 Wale
#28 Armstrong
#29 Rafuse
#32 Higgins
#54 Baird
#72 Timpson
#73 Slewidge-Thomas
#74 W. Smith
#75 Fournier
#76 Rohani
#77 N. Smith
#78 Standing
#80 Potts
#81 Lesaux
#82 Neilson
#84 McIver
#85 McNulty
#88 Richardson
#89 Barbuto
#90 Pinard
#92 Bacchiochi
#93 Boyle
#94 Young
#96 Williamson
#97 Fields
#98 Grinnell
#99 Hoar
#G16 Kittle
#G17 Philpott
#G18 Nicholson
#G19 C. Smith
#G23 Campagnolo