U10A - Black Runs for the Kids in RBC Run for CHEO
U10 A Black2023-09-24 - U10 A Black
RBC Run for the Kids
OVSS is thrilled to announce that our amazing U10A – Black Team came together for the RBC Run for the Kids to support CHEO! We believe in the power of a community coming together to make a difference and DID this team ever come together! Raising $5,302.00!! They raised MOST ...
OVSS is thrilled to announce that our amazing U10A – Black Team came together for the RBC Run for the Kids to support CHEO! We believe in the power of a community coming together to make a difference and DID this team ever come together! Raising $5,302.00!! They raised MOST MONEY in the “Friends & Family” category! Instead of lacing up their skates, they laced up their sneakers, hit the pavement and ran for the kids! Thank you to these kids and their unwavering dedication to make a difference! #RunForTheKidsCHEO #RBCRacefortheKids #YouthMentalHealth
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