Share U16 AA - FINAL ROSTER 2022-2023U16 AA2022-09-24 - U16 AA
Congratulations to the following players who will make up our U16 AA Roster for the 2022-2023 Season!
Thank you to everyone who came out, continue to work hard and we hope to see you again next year!
Your OVSS Executive
U16 AA Final Roster
63 Schutt
31 Overhoff
51 Choffe
43 Castellarin
94 Pennell
69 Davidson
40 Sciarra
26 Osipenko
29 Rene ... Congratulations to the following players who will make up our U16 AA Roster for the 2022-2023 Season!
Thank you to everyone who came out, continue to work hard and we hope to see you again next year!
Your OVSS Executive
U16 AA Final Roster
63 Schutt
31 Overhoff
51 Choffe
43 Castellarin
94 Pennell
69 Davidson
40 Sciarra
26 Osipenko
29 Rene de Cotret
53 Bishop
49 Demaine
91 Casey
46 Banks
88 Power
68 Cogswell
66 Davidson
28 Yang